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  1. #1
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    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Dublin, Ireland

    Mesh ball tops for the Egret 3

    Not that exciting really but I changed the ball tops on my joysticks from the standard type to the mesh variety.

    I must say I really like the look of them and it adds a little something to the machine. I was a bit worried that the colours wouldn't match up with the Egret 3 colour scheme but they're spot on.

    Standard and Mesh:


  2. #2
    Much prefer the mesh - Justs adds something to it....
    Really sweet... Never seen this effect b4, really like it !!!

    I lost out on two e2's and 1 e3 by hours on Friday on otaku, gutted.
    Some of ones i was looking at had same color scheme as yours but with
    tint of see thru in buttons and Ball top was like milyway galaxy pattern inside them, they look really nice too if I ever manage get hold of a Candy that is


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