View Full Version : What to play: Beyond '198X's' love letter to video arcades, how games shape our worldviews - Los Ang

30-07-2019, 21:29
<a href="https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/story/2019-07-29/recommended-game-198x-80s-nostalgia-arcades" target="_blank">What to play: Beyond '198X's' love letter to video arcades, how games shape our worldviews</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color="#6f6f6f">Los Angeles Times</font><p>The buzzed-about game "198X" isn't just about '80s arcade nostalgia, but about trying to find your place in the world.</p>

More... (https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/story/2019-07-29/recommended-game-198x-80s-nostalgia-arcades)