View Full Version : Totally not a Contra game Blazing Chrome is out today, with a cheesy retro launch trailer to celebra

13-07-2019, 01:50
<a href="https://www.criticalhit.net/gaming/totally-not-a-contra-game-blazing-chrome-is-out-today-with-a-cheesy-retro-launch-trailer-to-celebrate/" target="_blank">Totally not a Contra game Blazing Chrome is out today, with a cheesy retro launch trailer to celebrate</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color="#6f6f6f">Critical Hit</font><p>It's been an awfully long time since we've had a great Contra game. Judging by what we've seen from E3 and Konami's impending Contra: Rogue Corps (yes, ...</p>

More... (https://www.criticalhit.net/gaming/totally-not-a-contra-game-blazing-chrome-is-out-today-with-a-cheesy-retro-launch-trailer-to-celebrate/)