View Full Version : Revisiting ClayFighter 63 1/3 on Nintendo 64 showed me just how terrible it was by competitive fight

10-05-2019, 14:54
<a href="https://www.eventhubs.com/news/2019/may/07/clayfighter-63-13-nintendo-64-was-absolute-trash-fighting-game-yet-i-still-love-it-day/" target="_blank">Revisiting ClayFighter 63 1/3 on Nintendo 64 showed me just how terrible it was by competitive fighting game standards</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color="#6f6f6f">EventHubs</font><p>I recently ventured back into the world of retro games in an attempt to recapture and reclaim some of my favorite video games and titles from childhood. High up ...</p>

More... (https://www.eventhubs.com/news/2019/may/07/clayfighter-63-13-nintendo-64-was-absolute-trash-fighting-game-yet-i-still-love-it-day/)