View Full Version : Raspberry Gameboy

28-11-2012, 20:09

i started some weeks ago to modify a broken gameboy with my raspberry pi. This include also the connection to the original buttons. The full build log is in my flickr account Flickr Build log (http://www.flickr.com/photos/89112334@N07/)

Here are some pictures

28-11-2012, 22:10
how have you set up the buttons i would love to know this.
i been looking at you bod for a few days now lol did ethern know it lucks like you had more look with the lcd pcb then me manage to kill my pcb

28-11-2012, 22:18

the connection to the buttons is not so hard. I cut the original gameboy pad and reconnect the buttons directly to the GPIO Pins. Be sure to use the 3.3V supply on the GPIO as a source and then each button to a GPIO Pin. Works really well but I had some problem with reconnecting the wires to the cutted board.

A circuit indicator is your friend :)
Best regards

28-11-2012, 22:19
circuit indicator?

and to connecting to the gpio pins was the same idea i had i just dont have the first clue about prgramming and how i would make the direction buttons work in xbmc etc

28-11-2012, 22:24
The circuit indicator helps to find the right wire. To connect the GPIO to the buttons I use some help from this guy:


I'm not finished yet. I have to check if I write a kernel module or use the process he describe.

28-11-2012, 22:26
please keep us updateded ples cos that page just went over my head lol